Mathematics Major B.S.


I.      Required Core Courses

    MATH 2210 Discrete Mathematics (4 credits)

    MATH 2471 Calculus I (5 credits)

    MATH 2472 Calculus II (5 credits)

    MATH 2480 Multivariable Calculus (4 credits)

    MATH 3310 Linear Algebra (4 credits)


Subtotal 22 Credits

II. Required Field of Emphasis


    Select one of the following Fields of Emphasis:


A.  General Emphasis


1. Required Courses

    STAT 3631 Probability and Statistics I (4 credits)


Select one of the following courses:

    MATH 4350 Abstract Algebra (3 credits)

    MATH 4371 Modern Algebra (3 credits)

    MATH 4410 Introduction to Analysis (3 credits)

Subtotal 7 credits


2. Required Electives

    Select at least 5 courses (not used above) from the following:

   *CS 2322 Computer Science II (4 credits)

    MATH 2490 Differential Equations (4 credits)

    MATH 3260 Mathematical Problem Solving (3 credits)

    MATH 3440 Introduction to Fractals and Chaos (3 credits)

    MATH 3560 Classical and Modern Geometry (3 credits)

    MATH 3710 Mathematical Modeling (3 credits)

    MATH 3720 Numerical Methods (3 credits)

    MATH 3820 History of Mathematics (3 credits)

    MATH 4240 Number Theory (3 credits)

    MATH 4350 Abstract Algebra (3 credits)

    MATH 4371 Modern Algebra (3 credits)

    MATH 4410 Introduction to Analysis (3 credits)

    MATH 4470 Advanced Calculus (3 credits)

    MATH 4760 Topics in Applied Mathematics (3 credits)

    STAT 3610 Time Series Analysis (3 credits)

    STAT 3632 Probability and Statistics II (3 credits)


Subtotal 15-17 credits



Total Semester Credits Required for Major, Field of Emphasis A 44-46 Credits



B.  Applied Emphasis


Asterisked (*) courses have prerequisites not included or not required in this major.


I.               Required Electives

Select at least 6 courses from the following:

           *CS 2322 Computer Science II (4 credits)

           MATH 2490 Differential Equations (4 credits)

MATH 3710 Mathematical Modeling (3 credits)

MATH 3720 Numerical Methods (3 credits)

MATH 4410 Introduction to Analysis (3 credits)

MATH 4760 Topics in Applied Mathematics (3 credits)

STAT 2610 Applied Statistics (4 credits) or STAT 3631 Probability and Statistics I (4 credits)

*STAT 3610 Time Series Analysis (3 credits)

*STAT 3632 Probability and Statistics II (3 credits)           


Subtotal 18-21 credits


Total Semester Credits Required for Major, Field of Emphasis B  40-43 Credits



C. Actuarial Emphasis


Note: Asterisked (*) courses have prerequisites not included in this major or require consent of instructor. For BUAD 3771, the prerequisite of BUAD 2231 may be waived for mathematics majors who have completed STAT 3631.

1. Required Courses

    ACCT 1101 Principles of Accounting I (3 credits)

    ACCT 1102 Principles of Accounting II (3 credits)

    *BUAD 3771 Financial Management (3 credits)

    BUAD 3772 Advanced Financial Management (3 credits)

    *CS 2321 Computer Science I (4 credits)

    ECON 2000 Markets and Resource Allocation (3 credits)

    ECON 2100 Macro Economics and the Business Cycle (3 credits)

    STAT 3610 Time Series Analysis (3 credits)

    STAT 3631 Probability and Statistics I (4 credits)

    STAT 3632 Probability and Statistics II (3 credits)

    Select one of the following

            MATH 3710 Mathematical Modeling (3 credits)

            MATH 3720 Numerical Methods (3 credits)

            MATH 4710 Topics in Applied Mathematics (3 credits)


Subtotal 35 credits


Total Semester Credits Required for Major, Field of Emphasis C 57 Credits